[Development] Qt 5.9's new garbage collector documentation? + root_ptr

Phil Bouchard philippeb8 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 15 05:43:12 CEST 2017

On 07/14/2017 12:58 AM, Phil Bouchard wrote:
> On 07/13/2017 10:32 AM, Grégoire Barbier wrote:
>> Le 13/07/2017 à 14:33, Phil Bouchard a écrit :
>>> Sérgio Martins <iamsergio at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 4:54 AM, Phil Bouchard <philippeb8 at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Anyway I'm deviating from QNodePtr but I just don't understand the
>>>>> hype
>>>>> about JIT when it doesn't seem it has been compared to a Javascript
>>>>> compiler
>>>>> because none exists up to now.
>>>> That's precisely the biggest advantage of JIT: It exists, while js2cpp
>>>> doesn't (or at least in a usable form for us).
>>> I'm working on it; it shouldn't take too long.
>> <3
> Here's a preliminary parser that doesn't even compile yet but it's
> moving forward and fast:
> https://github.com/philippeb8/root_ptr/tree/qt/example/js2cpp

Now it compiles, links and parses correctly.  I just need to fix the 
output and make it all work.

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