[Development] can not build 5.9.1 qtmultimedia

Martin Koller kollix at aon.at
Mon Jul 24 13:26:55 CEST 2017

On Montag, 24. Juli 2017 08:34:56 CEST Thiago Macieira wrote:
> On Sunday, 23 July 2017 23:03:04 PDT Kevin Kofler wrote:
> > Thiago Macieira wrote:
> > > This is the root of your problem. Something that this plugin or
> > > qgsttools_p needs to link to said that its libraries are in /usr/lib64.
> > > qmake has some code to remove system paths, but it that won't work if the
> > > 
> > > path being requested is both:
> > >  a) not system
> > >  b) where Qt libraries are
> > 
> > /usr/lib64 is most definitely a system path. This is where 64-bit libraries
> > belong to according to the FHS.
> Agreed. You have a double (or even triple) failure causing your problem.
> qmake should have removed /usr/lib64 but didn't. That means the configure 
> detection of what the system linker paths are failed. See any of the 
> .qmake.stash files to see what it did detect, if anything.

    /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/4.8 \
    /usr/lib64 \
    /lib64 \
    /usr/x86_64-suse-linux/lib \
    /lib \

> Then there's the second issue that something did add /usr/lib64. It shouldn't 
> have. But it might be from a .prl file, which is much stupider than pkg-config.

That comes from the system installed /usr/lib64/libqgsttools_p.prl
which was installed by the openSuse rpm  libqt5-qtmultimedia-devel-5.9.1

it contains:

QMAKE_PRO_INPUT = gsttools.pro
QMAKE_PRL_TARGET = libqgsttools_p.so.1.0.0
QMAKE_PRL_CONFIG = lex yacc depend_includepath testcase_targets import_plugins import_qpa_plugin qt_build_extra file_copies qmake_use qt warn_on release link_prl incremental shared release linux unix posix gcc sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 avx avx2 compile_examples enable_new_dtags f16c largefile nostrip prefix_build force_independent utf8_source create_prl link_prl prepare_docs qt_docs_targets no_private_qt_headers_warning QTDIR_build qt_example_installs exceptions_off testcase_exceptions explicitlib have_target dll c++11 thread uic opengl moc resources
QMAKE_PRL_LIBS = -L/usr/lib64 -L/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/qtmultimedia-opensource-src-5.9.1/lib -lQt5MultimediaWidgets -lQt5Multimedia -lQt5Widgets -lQt5Gui -lQt5Network -lQt5Core -lGL -lpthread -lasound -lgstaudio-1.0 -lgstvideo-1.0 -lgstpbutils-1.0 -lgstapp-1.0 -lgstbase-1.0 -lgstreamer-1.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lpulse-mainloop-glib -lpulse -lglib-2.0

Why does my Qt build use the system installed /usr/lib64/libqgsttools_p.prl file and not the one from the build dir
which contains
QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR = /home/PACKAGES/qt/5.9.1/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.9.1/qtmultimedia/src/gsttools
QMAKE_PRO_INPUT = gsttools.pro
QMAKE_PRL_TARGET = libqgsttools_p.so.1.0.0
QMAKE_PRL_CONFIG = lex yacc debug depend_includepath testcase_targets import_plugins import_qpa_plugin qt_build_extra file_copies qmake_use qt warn_on link_prl incremental shared debug linux unix posix gcc sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 avx avx2 compile_examples enable_new_dtags f16c largefile optimize_debug precompile_header prefix_build force_independent utf8_source create_prl link_prl prepare_docs qt_docs_targets no_private_qt_headers_warning QTDIR_build qt_example_installs exceptions_off testcase_exceptions explicitlib have_target dll debug_info c++11 thread uic opengl moc resources
QMAKE_PRL_LIBS = -L/home/PACKAGES/qt/5.9.1/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.9.1/qtmultimedia/lib -lQt5MultimediaWidgetsWinCC_OA -L/home/PACKAGES/qt/5.9.1/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.9.1/qtbase/lib -lQt5MultimediaWinCC_OA -lQt5WidgetsWinCC_OA -lQt5GuiWinCC_OA -lQt5NetworkWinCC_OA -lQt5CoreWinCC_OA -lGL -lpthread -lasound -lgstaudio-1.0 -lgstvideo-1.0 -lgstpbutils-1.0 -lgstapp-1.0 -lgstbase-1.0 -lgstreamer-1.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lpulse-mainloop-glib -lpulse -lglib-2.0

Best regards/Schöne Grüße

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