[Development] "Getting started" tutorials (Was: Examples and Demos in qtdoc)

Mandeep Sandhu mandeepsandhu.chd at gmail.com
Fri Jun 16 18:27:34 CEST 2017

> On the topic of showing users "how to use Qt" and "leverage our tooling",
> I feel that our "getting started" tutorials/examples need some love too.
> IMHO, the "Getting Started" tutorial from Qt 4.3 (
> https://doc.qt.io/archives/4.3/tutorial-t1.html) is more accessible to
> beginners than http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/gettingstartedqt.html mainly because
> the Qt 4.3 tute presents material in digestible chunks. Readers are
> introduced to the bare bones, and get to compile and interact with their
> code very early on. Then, the tute gradually introduces more and more
> concepts across a number of chapters; each chapter builds upon the
> previous. The reader gets to build and try out the new concepts in each
> chapter, before moving on to the next.
> In contrast, the Qt 5 tutorial takes the reader through a multitude of
> concepts (Qt Designer, the UIC file format, the *.pro file, subclassing
> widgets, the Q_OBJECT macro, properties, signals and slots, layouts, and
> many different classes) before the reader is taught how to compile and run
> their first app. If the reader made a mistake somewhere along the way, it's
> hard to find out where. There is far too much material packed into a single
> "getting started" article.
> I'm thinking of spending some time to update the Qt 4.3 tutorial (chapters
> 1 - 7) for Qt 5, presented in a few different ways to show how to do the
> same thing using different Qt technologies:
> 1. C++ only
> 2. C++ with Qt Designer
> 3. QML only
> 4. QML with Qt Quick Designer
> Is this something you'd want in the official documentation?

+1 for this approach.

I had a quick look at the Qt5 tut & it was a bit overwhelming for a
beginner IMO. I think separating out the core C++ parts from the UI part
would be beneficial for newbies. Making easily digestable examples each of
these topics will go a long way in helping more ppl get on board.

My 2ยข.


> Regards,
> Sze-Howe
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