[Development] right-to-left mode on Mac

Gabriel de Dietrich Gabriel.deDietrich at qt.io
Mon Jun 26 22:35:54 CEST 2017

Hi René,

Are you referring to context menus or menubar menus? We fully layout the former, but the latter are entirely delegated to macOS.

I don’t see anything in the Mac HIG documents, and there’s limited information in the internationalization guide (https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPInternational/SupportingRight-To-LeftLanguages/SupportingRight-To-LeftLanguages.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000171i-CH17-SW1).

Here are a couple screenshots from Notes in Arabic locale, a context menu and a menubar menu, and so that we have something to refer to.

[cid:E5D16D35-4079-4EDB-A965-EA2C710BCD95] [cid:F980463C-3B1F-435E-90F3-0D33E987A348]

In any case, yes, we should expect something similar from Qt applications, at least if the appropriate translation file is provided.

Also, notice the shortcuts in the menubar menu.

Best regards,

Dr. Gabriel de Dietrich
Senior Software Developer
The Qt Company — www.qt.io<http://www.qt.io>

On Jun 25, 2017, at 3:35 AM, René J.V. Bertin <rjvbertin at gmail.com<mailto:rjvbertin at gmail.com>> wrote:


I notice that most styles invert the menu design when you activate right-to-left layout mode, putting the shortcut hint to the left of the (right-aligned) menu item text (and right-aligning texted separators if those are supported and asymmetric).

The Mac theme doesn't. Shortcut hints are displayed as "C" instead of "C" but they continue to be shown to the right of the (left-aligned) menu text.

Is that what Apple's HIG dictate?

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