[Development] Coin: using 64-bit Windows host for 32-bit builds

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Thu May 4 23:22:55 CEST 2017

05.05.2017, 00:01, "Kevin Kofler" <kevin.kofler at chello.at>:
> Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
>>  It is needed because large projects, namely QtWebEngine and QtWebKit
>>  (wip/next branch) are too large for making 32-bit debug builds on 32-bit
>>  OS. In case of QtWebKit it's possbile to work around this problem by
>>  issuing debug info for API implementation only, however this reduces
>>  debuggability.
> In Fedora, we use this to build at least SOME debugging information (-g1
> level rather than the default -g which exhausts the address space) for
> QtWebEngine on 32-bit architectures:
> http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/qt5-qtwebengine.git/tree/qt5-qtwebengine.spec#n374
> http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/qt5-qtwebengine.git/tree/qt5-qtwebengine.spec#n395
> (Also note that we build with
> CONFIG+="webcore_debug v8base_debug force_debug_info"
> or we would not be getting complete debugging information anywhere.)
> The -g1 trick is probably also workable for QtWebKit if it is hitting the
> same issue on any GCC target (including MinGW). But I don't know whether
> Visual C++ has anything comparable.

Unfortunately, VS is the worst offender at the moment, it does not have anything like -g1,
or like -g0 (i.e. option to negate previously added /Zi)

>         Kevin Kofler
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