[Development] Future of QBS

Christian Gagneraud chgans at gmail.com
Wed Oct 25 11:42:30 CEST 2017

On 18/10/17 21:35, Kevin Funk wrote:
> On Monday, 16 October 2017 22:48:06 CEST Christian Gagneraud wrote:
>> I think my questioning was legit, even if the style was far from perfect.
> Right, let me excuse myself as well for the strong wording.

Hi Kevin,

"Sweet as" as they say here in New Zealand, I would like to apologise 
too, i should not have said what I said, the way I did. I didn't mean to 
be offensive, never.

> Let's calm down, go back to topic and have a beer together on the next QtWS.

I sincerely wish it will happen.

I will hopefully soon start watching some of the talks, now there are 
on-line - thanks to the The Qt Company [1].
I am still looking for the slides, at work we sometimes do "talk about 
the talks", ideally people reports about what they've seen at the event. 
But sometimes one just report about the "slides of the event", it's OK 
too, any digested piece of information is always welcome! ;)
Even if you're the lucky one to have been there, you still need the 
original slides you want to quote.


[1] http://blog.qt.io/blog/2017/10/24/qt-world-summit-2017-recordings/

> Cheers,
> Kevin
>> Anyway, now I know the answer thanks to people's responses.
>> Chris
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