[Development] Adding Qt CoAP

Oswald Buddenhagen oswald.buddenhagen at qt.io
Tue Sep 5 21:19:36 CEST 2017

On Tue, Sep 05, 2017 at 07:49:37PM +0200, Maurice Kalinowski wrote:
> > what are you talking about? https://codereview.qt-project.org/201311 is up for
> > more than a month already.
> [Kalinowski Maurice] 
> And it is visible now after Frederik moved it. As I wrote in my initial mail, there has been some work done before...
it's still a tad apocryphal to make a repository request in this
situation. the admin side doesn't need to be public, while the public
side is meant to allow for community veto (which was pre-empted anyway).

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