[Development] New approach to hi-dpi and coordinate system for layouts in Qt 6

Jean-Michaël Celerier jeanmichael.celerier at gmail.com
Thu Sep 21 12:28:43 CEST 2017

> making it impossible to specify 'a one/two pixel border'

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this what QPen::setCosmetic is used for


Jean-Michaël Celerier

On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 11:37 AM, Stephen Kelly via Development <
development at qt-project.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Qt 5 has several approaches to attempting to size/scale a UI when moving
> between screens which have
> different APIs.  There is a summary here:
> https://vicrucann.github.io/tutorials/osg-qt-high-dpi/
> The approaches available currently either
> 1) scale everything after rendering (eg with SetProcessDPIAware())
> 2) scale coordinates to screen metrics before rendering
> (QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling))
> The first approach gives a blurry result because of up/down scaling and is
> not satisfying.
> The second approach scales all coordinates, making it impossible to
> specify 'a one/two pixel border' without that getting scaled too.
> Additionally, the AA_EnableHighDpiScaling will only apply integer scaling,
> so on a screen with 150% scaling, the widget is scaled to 200%.
> Adding a floating-point based API would not be a solution because it would
> result in painting artefacts.  This is an important point.  An approach
> like that won't satisfy designers.  The approach in
> https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/157174/
> resolves a scaling issue but does not address painting artefacts.
> So, we need to find flexible and imaginative solutions.
> I've had a discussion on IRC with Morten, who worked on QUIP-8.  That QUIP
> doesn't (yet?) go as far as approaches to addressing the problem, so I am
> writing here to see if there is wider interest in the topic.  One of the
> points he made is that some users are happy with the current state of Qt
> APIs and behavior, or would be happy with downsampling after rendering
> (blurry).
> I don't know how widespread that acceptance would be, but I've worked on
> several teams where it would not be acceptable.
> The underlying problem is that the Qt APIs do not provide a way to specify
> the units to use in layouts AND to combine values with those units.  We
> need to be able to specify coordinates which will be scaled to an
> appropriate number of pixels on the screen, but also to be able to specify
> coordinates in exact pixels (common for things like having a 'one/two pixel
> border' etc).  Then, Qt should compute the actual number of pixels to paint
> based on the current screen.
> The approach we discussed (this is only the ideas-stage, remember!) with
> Morten is to change APIs which specify layouts to use a new unit-sensitive
> coordinate type instead of int.  This new QCoordinate type stores values in
> both points and pixels and has a toPixels method which computes the
> required pixel value for the screen.
> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/d08e0e79b05237a765e23849bbe2a78d
> QCoordinates can be created with C++11 user-defined literal niftyness:
>   auto coord = 34_pt + 4_px;
> This also implies a requirement to have QSize/QPoint etc equivalents based
> on QCoordinate.  We haven't put much thought into this code duplicatation
> etc, focusing only on whether we can solve the problems with this approach
> (or another approach?) at all.
> A disadvantage of the QCoordinate approach is that the values are not
> comparable to each other without a screen.  So operator<() can't be
> implemented for example, but a separate purposeful API would be needed for
> things like that.
> One of the issues raised so far is that this QCoordinate stores only
> pixels and points, but not other units which may be wanted, such as
> physical units like centimeters.  Morten noted that there are not many
> known use-cases for such units and that they mean little if a projector is
> in use.
> This is of course a Qt 6 change, and now is approximately the time to
> discuss Qt 6 changes.  I don't know if anyone will be in Berlin who wants
> to discuss this at QtCS.  Shout if you want to discuss this there and I'll
> see if I can go over for it.
> Thanks,
> Stephen.
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