[Development] Redeploying hosts with original kernel

Tony Sarajärvi tony.sarajarvi at qt.io
Tue Aug 14 11:56:23 CEST 2018


It seems like a culprit for our extremely odd behaving windows VMs might be the custom kernel we are applying (that tried to fix an NFS issue). After using the original kernel again, it seems at least for now we can run full speed on a host again. So I'll redeploy all hosts (some done already). This will slow down CI for a while, but as things are quite horrible currently, you won't probably notice anything but a better performance in a few hours.

This could bring back the NFS bug, but as fix for it was proposed in kernel -38 and MAAS is giving us the kernel -46 now by default, it could either be fixed in the newest hosts we deploy, or the fix never worked to begin with. Anyway, I'll pick the least harmful of the 2 problems we have.

Good luck to us!

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