[Development] Another integer typedef OR how to prepare for 64-bit in Qt 5

Bernhard Lindner private at bernhard-lindner.de
Tue Dec 4 21:29:32 CET 2018

> > Then let me rephrase my opionen: What every you plan to change regarding
> > size types in Qt6... do it the standard (C++20?) way.
> We're doing it the way the committee says it should have done in the first 
> place, not the way it has done: signed.

If this plays well with the language and standard library features I am ok with it. It
doesn't remove all the additional effort I mentioned but it will prevent the unnecessary
interfacing/casting. As soon as user code is be rebased to ssize/C++20 and qsizetype
everything is consistent which is the most important thing. And I suppose other libraries
will follow the coming standard soon.

BTW Are there plans/roadmaps regarding C++20 support?

Best Regards,

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