[Development] Preventing link rot in Qt docs

Sze Howe Koh szehowe.koh at gmail.com
Fri Dec 7 13:46:37 CET 2018

In the transition from Qt 5.11 to Qt 5.12, some doc URLs have changed,
for example:

    https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/android-support.html ->
    https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/androidgs.html ->

While I do like the new URLs better, the old URLs now give Error 404.
This is a problem because the Qt docs are heavily cited in the forums,
the wiki, and external sites like StackOverflow. Search engines also
take time to catch up, e.g. the top two results are currently dead at

Is it feasible to make doc redirections an integral part of the
release process? Diffing the list of HTML files produced by qdoc
should help a lot.


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