[Development] Build system for Qt 6

Matthew Woehlke mwoehlke.floss at gmail.com
Fri Dec 7 22:40:15 CET 2018

On 07/12/2018 15.48, Christian Ehrlicher wrote:
> One really nice feature what I miss in cmake is the '-project' option
> from qmake. Basically it scans the current directory, adds all sources,
> headers and ui-files and creates a small .pro file out of it. It's a
> very convenient feature when you just want to compile a small test
> project. Creating an initial CMakeLists.txt from scratch takes much
> longer and therefore this is the only place where I use qmake (outside
> the qt sources)

I was going to say something incredulous, but... yeah, when you're
talking about a *Qt* project, by the time you get done mentioning
AUTOMOC and .ui files, you're talking at least a half dozen lines of
CMake logic. So I can see the use :-).

> Maybe this can be added - simply read the current directory and pass the
> files found to a template CMakeLists.txt to create the project type you
> want

I'm not sure if this belongs in CMake *itself*, but I think having a
script (Python? Bash? Other?) to do it would be a great idea. It could
take options to control behavior:

  - project name
  - executable name (if different from project)
  - C++ standard version (optional with a sensible default)
  - ...others?


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