[Development] Qml draw pattern as password

Akın Gümüşkavak akin.gumuskavak at redpine.com.tr
Fri Dec 14 10:56:17 CET 2018

That would be really nice to have a component like that and save lots of time. Security is not my first priority at the moment but I will spend some time to implement something useful :)

Thanks anyway

From: Edward Welbourne <edward.welbourne at qt.io>
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 12:45:29 PM
To: Mitch Curtis
Cc: Akın Gümüşkavak; development at qt-project.org
Subject: Re: Qml draw pattern as password

Akin Gümüskavak (Friday, 14 December 2018 9:47 AM) wrote
>> I'm trying to develop a drawing pattern area as password field in
>> Qml. I've made some research but could not find anything useful.

Mitch Curtis (14 December 2018 09:59) replied:
> What do you mean by "drawing pattern area as password field"? Do you
> have any examples of this?

I understood Akin to be describing the "unlock" screen 'phones often
use, where you trace a pattern with your finger over a pattern displayed
on the screen; the right pattern will unlock something.  It's a
"password" in this indirect sense ;-)

This, incidentally, sounds like a good widget for us to supply as a
standard component, or at the very least as an example that folk can
copy and adapt - just be sure to give it a nice thorough security audit
before we publish it !

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