[Development] Missing documentation in Qt 5.12

Konstantin Shegunov kshegunov at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 23:03:50 CET 2018

Not only are members missing, but links lead noplace. For example in the
mentioned page metaObject() goes to
http://doc.qt.io/qt-5.12/qwidget.html#metaObject which naturally doesn't
exist. From what I can tell nothing that is inherited, beside the things
explicitly overriden, appear in the list. Although I wouldn't presume to
place fault, for me the bad impression was left not by the bug itself,
which is pretty embarrassing, as so much as bouncing it around on the
tracker for 10 days until ultimately a ping on the list prompted action ...
I mean, we get it, there's not enough people and hours to handle all the
bugs, but I *hope* it is not going to be necessary to bring P1s to the list
so at least they get attention ...

Disclaimer: I had conversed with Sze-Howe about this bugreport before he
started this thread.

Nitpick: Between 5.10 and 5.11 we magically got qt_metacall and qt_metacast
(expanded out of Q_OBJECT) into the members list and of course the links
are broken, but this listing of private(-use) members is long-standing
(from Qt 4); although I'm pretty sure these are not intended to be employed
by the users and they're never going to get a proper documentation page.
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