[Development] Deprecation of Qt Quick Controls 1

Mitch Curtis mitch.curtis at qt.io
Wed Feb 7 14:24:26 CET 2018

Have you tried the Fusion style in 5.10?


From: Development [mailto:development-bounces+mitch.curtis=qt.io at qt-project.org] On Behalf Of NIkolai Marchenko
Sent: Wednesday, 7 February 2018 2:10 PM
To: Helmut Mülner <helmut.muelner at gmail.com>
Cc: Qt development mailing list <development at qt-project.org>
Subject: Re: [Development] Deprecation of Qt Quick Controls 1

I basically can't use Controls 2 in my application because combobox in controls 2 has extremely out of place style for desktop applications, is too bloated and you can't control it enough to make it look more like Controls 1.
Admittedly, I almost do not use QML in my apps but I wasn't able to find an easy solution to make combobox tolerable for desktop

On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 4:06 PM, Helmut Mülner <helmut.muelner at gmail.com<mailto:helmut.muelner at gmail.com>> wrote:

> It should come as no big surprise that we are not working much on Qt Quick Controls 1.
After some discussions inside The Qt Company, we concluded that it would make sense to clarify the situation.
We see the value Controls 1 provides - more platform native styling - but it comes at a high price.

> […]
> As you can see, the effort is currently split and we'd like to reduce the attention to the two big areas - Widgets and Quick with Controls 2. This means we will spend even less time on Controls 1, where we'll only fix critical issues in the future.

In my application I mostly use Controls 2 but have to add some controls from Qt Quick Controls 1, e.g. TableView, SplitView, Calendar, ScrollView. It would be nice to have these controls available in Controls 2 before you deprecate Controls 1.


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