[Development] Deprecation of Qt Quick Controls 1

NIkolai Marchenko enmarantispam at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 17:10:45 CET 2018

Well, thank you for your example, but I would rather code a completely
custom combobox in QML than go this route
(even with my qml skills noobish at best it seems a more reasonable idea,
than coding a "widgets monster" )

And for the time being I will just stick with Controls 1 as I want to be
improving the core of my app
rather than spend weeks of my weekend time fixing UI problem introduced by
controls deprecation.

I just wanted to highlight the problem, that it is really, really too early
to cycle out V1.
And that combobox V2 is completely unacceptable on desktop. I still have to
see the "fusion" suggestion though

On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 6:48 PM, Olivier Goffart <olivier at woboq.com> wrote:

> Am Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2018, 15:35:34 CET schrieb NIkolai Marchenko:
> > even stuff like that?
> > https://imgur.com/a/tTFeO
> > I doubt it. I really don't want to delve into manual painter usage and
> > styleoptions when I can just quickly make such stuff with qml listview.
> > And basically the only thing that really hurts me with controls 2 is that
> > combobox becomes quite horrible
> That can be done without too much difficulty.  For reference, i have been
> doing the ui for the ownCloud client with a QTreeView:
> https://imgur.com/a/7ore2
> "All you have to do," is create a QAbstractItemDelegate, then you can paint
> anything with QPainter. It is just a bunch of drawRectangle and drawText,
> and for the style element, you can use style()->drawComplexControl
> You have to layout everything by manually computing the position of items.
> The logic of the embedded combobox might be a bit tricky but perhaps a
> spinbox
> would be much easier to draw.
> Clearly this is not the prettiest code ever
> https://code.woboq.org/owncloud/client/src/gui/
> folderstatusdelegate.cpp.html#_ZNK3OCC20FolderStatusDelegate5
> paintEP8QPainterRK20QStyleOptionViewItemRK11QModelIndex
> So while it is possible to do this, this is indeed much harder and less
> maintainable than with QML.
> Unfortunately, it seems that the story for QML on desktop is less than
> ideal.
> There is still much polishing to do to get there. And the fact that Qt
> Quick
> Controls 2 does not seem to have the desktop as a first place citizen is
> worrying.
> The Qt Company does not seem to be interested in the desktop. The fact that
> QtCreator went back from using some of QML for example just shows that the
> situation is regressing rather than improving.
> --
> Olivier
> Woboq - Qt services and support - https://woboq.com -
> https://code.woboq.org
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