[Development] Google Summer of Code

Benjamin TERRIER b.terrier at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 12:22:34 CET 2018

2018-02-13 17:22 GMT+01:00 Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira at intel.com>:
> On terça-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2018 04:13:20 PST Frederik Gladhorn wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > The Qt Project has been accepted as mentor organization for GSoC. Yay!
> > https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/organizations/5388456415461376/
> That reads "The Qt Company", not "The Qt Project".
> > We now should collect ideas for projects that students could work on, we
> > started here:
> > https://wiki.qt.io/Google_Summer_of_Code/2018/Project_Ideas
> Would've been nice to be told we were applying, so we could contribute to the
> ideas list.

That's because according to the Qt Project governance model, if the
mailing list has never been informed
that the Qt Project was applying, then the Qt project was not applying.
So it looks to me that the Qt Company applied for the Qt Project.
Or am I missing something?

Anyway that's a great idea, and I like the idea of an IncludeOS port of Qt.

Is there some decisions already made about the licensing of the contributions?
Like, are contributions going to be released under GPL/LGPL/Commercial
license like most of Qt,
or are they going to be GPL/Commercial only?



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