[Development] [FYI] the new way to retarget gerrit changes

Edward Welbourne edward.welbourne at qt.io
Wed Jan 10 11:06:20 CET 2018

Benjamin TERRIER (10 January 2018 10:37)
> What happens if the change already exists in the target branch?
> As a real example I have https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/197888/
> that should be retargeted to the dev branch.  However, as I am quite
> new to gerrit I have made the mistake to push to dev thinking it would
> retarget, but effectively creating a new change:
> https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/214657/

Then you can just abandon the one on the old branch - this is the blunt
way to retarget a change, that we've already had, at the cost of losing
connection with the earlier patch sets and comments from reviewers on
the review for the old branch.  (It thus irritates reivewers.)

If you ever find yourself needing to change branch *back* to the
original, after such a change, you'll need to do it be reviving the
abandoned change and abandoning the first-moved one.

I suspect there's also a way for a gerrit admin to nuke the misguided
review, if you ask nicely, but I'll let Ossi tell you about that, if it


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