[Development] Issue using QGraphicsProxyWidget and a QListWidget's scrollbars

wim delvaux wim.delvaux at adaptiveplanet.com
Fri Jan 12 18:39:17 CET 2018

These are the settings with which I initialize my QGraphicsView

    setInteractive( true );
    setDragMode( QGraphicsView::ScrollHandDrag );

when I add a QListWidget it appears normally.

However interacting with the widget is weird.
1. It seems i need to double click or something for it to focus.  A Single
click on the content of the listwidget never selects the item
2. scrollbar manipulation is even more tricky.  First the Icon is the
'hand' icon using for panning the view.  Most of the time with the cursor
on the scrollbar, panning happens.  Sometimes, after a few (double) clicks,
the scrollbar finally decides to move but still with the 'hand' cursor.

I also added a QLineEdit and that shows similar issues.  Here getting focus
to the field requires double click and the I-beam never appears

What could be wrong ?
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