[Development] QtCoap: QNAM-like API or not

Adrien LERAVAT aleravat at witekio.com
Sun Jan 14 18:49:48 CET 2018

Hi all,

Before feature freeze, we wanted to challenge the current API for the CoAP module.

It is currently similar to QNAM APIs:


QCoapClient client;

QCoapReply *reply = client.get(QUrl(""));

connect(reply, &QCoapReply::finished, this, &MyClass::onFinished);


MyClass::onFinished(QCoapReply* reply)


    qWarning() << reply->readAll();




With the clear drawback of explicit memory management needed by users. We made

some tests with a container/RAII object for the reply, and it seems fine, but before

moving forward in this limited timeframe, we wanted to have your feedback.

Sample below:


QCoapClient client;

QCoapRequest request = client.get(QUrl(""));

connect(request.reply(), &QCoapReply::finished, this, &MyClass::onFinished);


MyClass::onFinished(const QCoapRequest &request)


    qWarning() << request.reply()->readAll();



In that case, the QCoapReply life is managed with a QSharedPointer<QCoapReply> in the request.

QCoapRequest does not inherit from QObject. Anyone sees a problem with this approach?

As it wasn't merged to master yet, you can access the repo from its current submission:



Adrien Leravat

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