[Development] Qsqldrivers can't loaded in another PC

Dominik Holland dominik.holland at pelagicore.com
Tue Jan 16 10:23:18 CET 2018

Am 01/15/2018 um 11:12 PM schrieb Bartosz Pajewski:

> I need a little bit help.
>  After compilation my app and include necessary libraries the app has
> problem with load drivers included in plugins/sqldrivers. 
> The problem is solved, if I install Qt, and compile project again.

I guess what you mean is: You want to include a custom SQL Driver, which
is part of your project ?

Try the following:

Start your application with the env variable set: QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 and
check whether the driver you want is listed there and whether it can be
loaded at all.
If there is a loading problem, use ldd to check whats wrong (what thiago

If your plugin is not listed at all, your plugin path is wrong. By
default Qt checks for plugins in its install directory in the plugins
folder, but it also checks for plugins
in your current work folder. There you need to remove the plugins folder
and directly start with the plugin section. E.g.

- yourApp
- sqldrivers/libmyCustomDriver.so

Please also check http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/plugins-howto.html, which
explains how Qt finds its plugins.

I hope that helps.


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