[Development] CI updates ongoing

Giuseppe D'Angelo dangelog at gmail.com
Sat Jan 27 00:12:58 CET 2018

On 26 January 2018 at 21:34, Tony Sarajärvi <tony.sarajarvi at qt.io> wrote:
> Hi
> Our CI hosts run on Ubuntu, but sadly not on the latest version. We have
> 16.04 and 16.10 releases in use which need to be updated quickly.
> As we transition over, we will move hosts gradually to a new version of the
> CI running on 17.10. So during the next few days the CI will be a bit slower
> with reduced capacity.

Do you mean there won't be any CI node testing Ubuntu LTS? (Ok, 18.04
is due in a few months, but 18.04.1 is anyhow the recommended one for
LTS users, so we're talking ~6 months from now).

Giuseppe D'Angelo

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