[Development] Dark mode, palettes, styles etc.

Jean-Michaël Celerier jeanmichael.celerier at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 11:47:10 CEST 2018

> Another easy thing I think we could add to QPalette is the set of (16?)
most-common colors.  That way, when an application really wants something
to be blue, it could use QPalette:Blue, and the theme would be able to
control the brightness and the exact shade of blue.

A good benchmark for this would be to check how it would work with the
Base16 theming framework, based on 16 colors :
https://github.com/chriskempson/base16 ; they can be checked there :

There's also Kvantum which is a SVG theme engine for Qt (examples:
https://store.kde.org/browse/cat/123/) ; it would be nice to have it
integrated to Qt directly maybe ? And then use a GPU-based SVG renderer to
only have to do the GPU work once (how far is QtQuick.Shapes from rendering
full-fledged SVG ?).


Jean-Michaël Celerier

On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 10:50 AM, Shawn Rutledge <Shawn.Rutledge at qt.io>

> > On 4 Jul 2018, at 16:19, Morten Sørvig <Morten.Sorvig at qt.io> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > macOS 10.14 is now in (public) beta and we've had some time to test Qt
> on it.
> >
> > ...
> > Dark appearance: In theory, applications should pick up the dark
> appearance via
> > the style and palette. In practice, they may not due to incomplete/buggy
> QPalette
> > and QMacStyle implementations, or hardcoded colors in Qt or the
> application.
> >
> > The current state of the patches for dev/5.12 is that custom-styled
> applications
> > can work well in dark mode, for example Qt Creator with a dark theme.
> >
> > The plan is to disable dark mode support by default in Qt, at least until
> > QMacStyle is fixed. This means that applications will start up using
> standard
> > Aqua theme/colors, also when the desktop is configured for dark mode.
> >
> > The application has the final call here, and can opt in or out by
> setting the
> > NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance key in the Info.plist file. For example:
> >
> >  <key>NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance</key>
> >  <false/>
> >
> > will indicate that the app _does_ support dark mode, and Qt will get out
> > of the way and not apply its disable. Setting it to true will insulate
> the
> > app against any changes in the Qt default.
> I would like to see this feature as a cross-platform feature rather than
> mac-specific.
> I missed that news about Apple until now, but I had the idea a few years
> ago anyway that there should be an easy global switch (always within reach,
> not having to paw through system settings) to toggle quickly between light
> and dark themes.  There was the first time I started up my laptop on a
> plane while other passengers were trying to sleep, and got some dirty looks
> because I didn’t have much control over the brightness (the laptop’s
> backlight level couldn’t be reduced enough, and it took some time to open
> up the system settings and switch themes, and then I think I had to log out
> and back in again too.  Creator didn’t have themes at all back then.)  And
> there was a consultancy customer a few years ago who planned to have themes
> with different brightness levels in an embedded application, but AFAIK they
> still haven’t gotten around to it, maybe because we didn’t make it
> particularly easy in Qt Quick.  And actually I tend to switch themes at
> least seasonally: if there’s a lot of sun and I’m trying to hack while
> riding the metro, I can’t see well enough if the theme is too dark, but
> otherwise I like using a dark theme in darker conditions.  So it’s been
> annoying me for years that most applications can’t easily switch (they tend
> to make up for lack of system-wide settings by having their own instead),
> and some desktop environments have inconvenient controls, and/or the theme
> changes don’t necessarily propagate to all apps at once.
> But now that Apple is finally doing something, I think the copycats are
> inevitable, so I fully expect to see news that an identical or better
> feature is coming soon to KDE and/or Gnome any day now.  For now there’s
> just “redshift", it seems.  But IMO having a lot of white space that has
> gone dingy in the dark is not as nice as having a theme that looks good
> without having so much white in it.  And so far Apple didn’t put the switch
> in the menubar, but I suppose that’s probably inevitable too: a utility
> will probably show up in the app store, if there’s an API to make it
> possible.
> Anyway, to the extent that widgets and controls are drawn with QPalette
> colors, switching the palette globally ought to be easy; and we have
> QEvent::PaletteChange, so applications have already been able to respond
> quickly to system-wide palette changes for ages, right?  But there’s the
> trend of using image-based styles more, which contributes to the annoyance
> that you don’t actually have system-wide control over colors and styles.
> So it just becomes more work for widgets, controls and applications to have
> both sets of images, in addition to having different resolutions for
> high-dpi support, whenever they are built that way.
> The default Fusion widget style still has hard-coded colors, by the way.
> I wanted to fix it, but ran into resistance about using QSettings for that,
> and yet no other solution has been forthcoming either.
> One of the contributing reasons that _we_ use images more is probably
> because of the perception that a GPU is best used as a texture-flinging
> device, because it's not so good at drawing vector graphics.  (So much so
> that Shapes are a really recent addition, while Canvas and QtSVG continue
> to use QPainter to render to a texture.)  That’s always been unfortunate
> from my perspective… _our_ use of today’s gaming-oriented GPUs still hasn't
> advanced the state of the art in 2D since the 1980’s, unless you use
> vendor-specific stuff like NV_path_rendering, or if you draw aliased
> graphics and then apply (expensive) global antialiasing techniques like
> MSAA.  (But I continue to believe it’s possible to do better than that.
> Especially now that we have Vulkan.)  You can write smarter shaders, but
> then you need a diversity of shaders, and that breaks batching in the scene
> graph.  That’s just wrong IMO.  Fixing that somehow would enable us to go
> back to having styles that use vector graphics and therefore can respond to
> changes in the palette.  But another way is to use a fragment shader to
> switch specific colors on the fly.  I did this with my PDF viewer, to make
> it possible to read “white papers” in the dark: it inverts black and white,
> but leaves color images intact.  It could at least be a workaround for
> applications that use too many images.
> Another easy thing I think we could add to QPalette is the set of (16?)
> most-common colors.  That way, when an application really wants something
> to be blue, it could use QPalette:Blue, and the theme would be able to
> control the brightness and the exact shade of blue.  (The color of blue
> that is default on a white xterm is nowhere near the one you want if your
> terminal is black.)  So you could easily "solarize" your whole desktop, if
> that’s your thing, even while applications retain control over the general
> hues.  Then terminal applications, editors that have syntax highlighting,
> and such things would be able to use those colors.  The settings to define
> each of those would be global, and the need for e.g. Konsole and Creator to
> have their own independent sets of themes for text highlighting would go
> away.  (Although, Creator would still need settings to map highlighting
> classes to QPalette colors: e.g. comments are green and keywords are blue,
> or whatever.)  So they too would respond to global theme changes.
> There is talk of rearchitecting QStyle in Qt 6.  IMO this is a very
> important feature we should take into account.
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