[Development] which branch to use for a fix in 5.9 ?

André Hartmann andre.hartmann at iseg-hv.de
Wed Jul 11 11:09:05 CEST 2018

Hi Martin,

The branch 5.9 is in cherry-picking mode, so all fixes need to go to 
5.11 currently. If they are considered relevant for 5.9, they can be 
cherry-picked afterwards.


Am 11.07.2018 um 10:50 schrieb Martin Koller:
> Hi,
> I want to create a patch for the 5.9 version,
> however it's not clear for me which branch to use.
> This guide http://wiki.qt.io/Branch-Guidelines
> says:
> "All bugfixes go into the "most frozen" maintained branch which they are relevant for."
> So I assume I should use 5.9 and not 5.9.6, right ?
> What is unclear is also:
> "release: the current deep-frozen branch. It corresponds with one actual release and consequently has a name like 5.3.1. It is (usually) created from the stable branch when a release is imminent. It is terminated by a release tag, after which the branch is merged and deleted."
> especially the last part "...after which the branch is merged and deleted."
> However there are multiple 5.x.y branches. Shouldn't they be no more ?

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