[Development] QTBUG-43096 - QML instantiation performance decadence

Sérgio Martins sergio.martins at kdab.com
Fri May 25 15:54:41 CEST 2018

On 2018-05-25 12:12, Uwe Rathmann wrote:

> So for the next generation of our product we started to implement our
> own framework on top of the C++ part of Qt/Quick (
> https://github.com/uwerat/qskinny ). Our user interface today consists
> about ~200K lines of code ( pure C++ ) and so far I can say that the
> typical problems of having a bad startup performance or the heavy 
> memory
> footprint simple don't exist.
> Unfortunately we still have to maintain our previous product written in
> QML for many years. Maybe we can migrate it step by step to our new
> framework.

You might also have problems maintaining qskinny since it's using 
private API.

Which brings the question, should the needed API be made public ? Are 
there any parts of qskinny and/or patches
that should be integrated to make it easier for such frameworks ?

I think both QML-QtQuick and C++-QtQuick have their merits and we could 
improve the situation for the later.

Sérgio Martins | sergio.martins at kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company
Tel: Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090, USA +1-866-777-KDAB(5322)
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

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