[Development] [HEADS UP] 5.12 locked down (Re: Merge and Integration status report - 2018.11.08)
Liang Qi
Liang.Qi at qt.io
Mon Nov 12 21:38:38 CET 2018
> On 11 Nov 2018, at 22:25, Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira at intel.com> wrote:
> On Sunday, 11 November 2018 11:44:12 PST Liang Qi wrote:
>> I staged a few times from Friday night to now, got some changes integrated
>> and found some issues in them. Do you have some changes need to stage?
> I have a few bug fixes and improvements, but nothing urgent. I was just
> wondering about the logic of leaving it locked down during the weekend.
> dev is integrating fine.
Here is my working log(Nov. 8 to 12) for qtbase 5.12:
Nov. 8
* 1pm, announcement about qtbase 5.12 got locked, but release team and a few people still have privilege to stage
* 4pm, staged https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/244725/ the fix for bloker (got a few other changes staged by another person) - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543396094
1 stage
Nov. 9
* 7:57am coin sucks(reboot) - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543397138
* 8:02am coin reboot again - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543404322 (succeed in 2h18m)
* a background build for above http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/web_qt_qtbase_1541747658570
* 10:41am staged https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/243826/ - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543439390 (failed in 2h21m)
* WinRT: tst_QEventDispatcher::registerTimer() QTestLib: This test case check ("(((receivedEventType) == (int(QEvent::Timer))))") failed because the requested timeout (20 ms) was too short, 70 ms would have been sufficient this time.
* 1:12pm restaged - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543464639
* 5:14pm coin reboot - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543482384
* 5:25pm coin reboot - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543507534
* 5:29pm coin reboot - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543507580 (succeed in 2h3m)
* 10:45pm staged 5 changes together - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543598167 (succeed in 2h28m)
3 stages/1 background build/5 coin reboot
1 stage->succeed
Nov. 10(Saturday)
* 8:42am staged https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/244677/ - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543619138 (failed in 55m - qmake crash on opensuse)
* 9:54am re-taged - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543627241 (failed in 56m - tst_QEventDispatcher::registerTimer() on macOS 10.13)
* 11:37am re-staged - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543642827 (failed in 35m - tst_QEventDispatcher::registerTimer() on macOS 10.13)
* 12:21pm re-stage - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543642917 (failed in 31m - tst_QEventDispatcher::registerTimer() on macOS 10.13)
* 2:42pm re-stage - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543651407 (failed in 1h44m - tst_QEventDispatcher::registerTimer() on WinRT)
* 6:12pm re-stage - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543652915 (failed in 2h44m - "Most likely the test has crashed" on WinRT)
* 9:39pm a background build - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/web_qt_qtbase_1541882395456 (succeed in 1h57m)
* 9:42pm staged https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/235713/ - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543676742 (failed in 1h7m - tst_QTcpServer::ipv6Server(WithSocks5Proxy) on macOS 10.12)
7 stages/1 background build/0 coin reboot
0 stage->succeed
Nov. 11(Sunday)
* 9:28am staged https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/244677/ - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543677498 (succeed in 35m)
* 10:12am staged 6 changes together - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543678216 (succeed in 2h25m)
* 8:06pm staged 8 changes together - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543687675 (failed in 7m - real failure)
* 8:27pm staged 7 changes together - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543701974 (failed in 35min - tst_QEventDispatcher::registerTimer() on macOS 10.13)
* 9:14pm a background build - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/web_qt_qtbase_1541967249016 (succeed in 1h42m)
* 11:13pm staged 7 changes again - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543709881 (succeed in 19s)
5 stages/1 background build/0 coin reboot
1 stage->succeed
Nov. 12
* 8:19am staged 5 changes together - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543741463 (succeed in 2h25m)
* 10:53am staged 8 changes togehter - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543764990 (failed in 53m - tst_QEventDispatcher::registerTimer() on macOS 10.13)
* 12:00pm a background build - http://coin/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/web_qt_qtbase_1542020400468 (succeed in 1h50m)
* 2:01pm re-staged 8 changes - https://testresults.qt.io/coin/integration/qt/qtbase/tasks/1543790835 (succeed in 24m)
3 stages/1 background build/0 coin reboot
1 stage->succeed
I think it’s a much better result compared with previous chaos(random staging, and many client lost and etc). I didn't plan to provide an overview of that period yet.
I am not very sure the progress of ci/coin team, see http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2018-November/034244.html .
During this period, nobody contacted me to stage their change. So my staging is just based on the history of previous failures.
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