[Development] Suggestion - Remove Windows 7 as supported development host

André Pönitz apoenitz at t-online.de
Tue Nov 13 20:19:16 CET 2018

On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 01:13:28PM +0000, Harald Kjølberg wrote:
> Hi,
> Referring to: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-70891
> The suggestion is to remove Windows 7 as a supported development host,
> but keep it as a target. From the numbers I have access to, more than
> 55% of the users are on Windows 10. However, I would like to get
> feedback on this in case there are other opinions.

Given that Microsoft has been trying really hard to push Windows 10
into everyone's and everyone's dog's throat for three years now the
fact that this is *only* 55% makes me think that there are quite a
few people trying really hard to not upgrade, and in this situation
it seems plausible to me that given a choice between {swallow Win10
+ develop with Qt 5.13+} vs {stick to Win7 + drop Qt} people may
choose the latter.

So no, I am not convinced this is a good idea.


PS: I *do* understand that this is about *development* platforms.
But since there's no sensible cross-platform development possible
from non-Windows to Windows this would force Windows 10 for *any*
Windows-targeting development.

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