[Development] Does QGeoPositionInfoSource work from an Android service?
Alex Blasche
alexander.blasche at qt.io
Thu Oct 25 08:42:18 CEST 2018
Hi Denis,
At least in the past it worked as I remember having tested the use case. Do you have a backtrace?
And yes, Ryan's comment is correct in that you are missing essential error checking in your code.
From: Denis Shienkov <denis.shienkov at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 24 October 2018 6:31:59 PM
To: development at qt-project.org; Alex Blasche; BogDan Vatra
Subject: Does QGeoPositionInfoSource work from an Android service?
Hi all,
I tried to make it work from the Android service:
#include <QAndroidService>
#include <QGeoPositionInfoSource>
#include <QLoggingCategory>
#include <QTimer>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QAndroidService app(argc, argv);
qCDebug(APP) << "I'm service";
const auto t = new QTimer(qApp);
QCoreApplication::connect(t, &QTimer::timeout, []() {
static int counter = 0;
qCWarning(APP) << "CNT:" << counter;
const auto ps = QGeoPositionInfoSource::createDefaultSource(qApp);
QCoreApplication::connect(ps, &QGeoPositionInfoSource::positionUpdated,
[=](const QGeoPositionInfo &update) {
const auto coord = update.coordinate();
qCDebug(APP) << "CRD:" << coord;
return app.exec();
but a service, seems, crashed at all (at least I did not see any debugging log from the logcat).
But if I try to cemment out all code, related to the locations, and keep a code with the timer,
then I see the counters output.
I tried it on Android x86 && Qt 5.11.2 && Android API 21.
E.g. from here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13345002/locationmanager-in-service
I see that it is possible to wotk with Android's LocationManager from the service... BUT,
it does not work with QGeoPositionInfoSource!
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