[Development] QUIP 12: Code of Conduct

Ulf Hermann ulf.hermann at qt.io
Mon Oct 29 15:25:20 CET 2018

> But then you make a statement in your post script that demonstrates
> exactly what I'm talking about.  You stated  "some emails in this
> thread sadly make me see part of the project in a different light. I
> fear I'm not the only one."? Would you say the project has created
> fear in you and this has somehow "harmed" the project in some way?
> Who were these people that changed your mind? We need to identify
> these people and ban them because they are not casting the widest
> inclusive and protective audience and anything less than that is
> harm... Let the witch hunt begin... right?

All the proposals for codes of conduct that I have seen so far mention 
banning only as a last resort and have several less drastic measures 
that should be applied before. Also, the point of having a neutral third 
party decide on the issue, rather than people directly involved in the 
conflict should result in that third party deciding on the measurements 
to be taken, not any victims of harassment, harm, or whatever.


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