[Development] Configure Qt gerrit git ssh access via Tor on Linux

Denis Shienkov denis.shienkov at gmail.com
Sun Sep 2 08:34:48 CEST 2018

Hi guys.

I need to use the tor to avoid a blocking of the 
codereview.qt-project.org (in my country sad).
The git-ssh configuration described here: 
I need to do it on ArchLinux.
I successfully do it on Windows with following ~/.ssh/config:

Host codereview.qt-project.org
Port 29418
User <my-login-name>
ProxyCommand ncc -X 5 -x localhost:9050 %h %p

but same config does not work with ArchLinux (where I just replace 'ncc' 
with 'nc'),
it returns with an error:

     [denis at arch qtlocation]$ git fetch 
refs/changes/92/237992/1 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
     Unable to negotiate with UNKNOWN port 65535: no matching cipher 
found. Their offer: aes128-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,blowfish-cbc
     fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

     Please make sure you have the correct access rights
     and the repository exists.

Then I have created another config as described in "Setting_up_Gerrit":

Host http://codereview.qt-project.org-gerrit
     Hostname http://codereview.qt-project.org
     Port 29418
     User <my-login-name>
     Ciphers +aes256-cbc
     PreferredAuthentications publickey
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
     ProxyCommand socat STDIO SOCKS4A:,socksport=9050

then It returns with another error:

     [denis at arch qtlocation]$ git fetch 
refs/changes/92/237992/1 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
     Unable to negotiate with port 29418: no matching 
cipher found. Their offer: aes128-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,blowfish-cbc
     fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

     Please make sure you have the correct access rights
     and the repository exists.

Of course, I have added the SSH-keys to the my gerrit profile, have 
installed and started the tor service (via systemctl), and have 
installed the socat && openbsd-netcat.

PS: I have checked the tor service via chromium browser with configured 
socks5 proxy.

Could someone help me please?


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