[Development] Closing issues automatically with new keyword

Frederik Gladhorn frederik.gladhorn at qt.io
Tue Sep 4 10:24:17 CEST 2018

Quick update:
Sanity bot and commit template (in 5.11, soon other places) are now updated 
and the bot is running.

I'd appreciate if people tried using the Fixes: footer and let me know if the 
issue is closed with the right version (or even better, if the fix version is 
not set or incorrectly set).

Note that for some products in JIRA the versions are not in any way logical, 
so the bot will not set a fix version (QTQAINFRA and the 3d studio stuff for 

One thing that would still be great to have is the jira links working so that 
the changes show up in JIRA like they do for Task-number, I'm looking into 
this and thought the config was fixed, but so far that doesn't seem to do the 

Happy bug fixing!


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