[Development] [Interest] qtwebview with qtwebchannel

Artem Sidyakin artem.sidyakin at qt.io
Sun Sep 16 17:24:16 CEST 2018

I would understand if local file loading was allowed and remote forbidden, but not the other way around. So if remote works, so should local.

To confirm that, I simply copied files into the app bundle (Show Package Contents) and just to be sure checked if they are “accessible”:

foreach(QString filename, QDir(app.applicationDirPath()).entryList()) {
    qDebug() << “- " << filename;

And they are, so I have the following files inside the app bundle:

├── _CodeSignature
├── bootstrap.min.css
├── Default-568h at 2x.png
├── embedded.mobileprovision
├── index.html
├── Info.plist
├── LaunchScreen.nib
├── PkgInfo
├── qwebchannel.js
└── websockets

Then I added applicationDirPath() as QML context property and loaded index.html into WebView like this:

url: “file:” + applicationDirPath + “/index.html”

And it works, so it doesn’t matter where the HTML document came from, would it be remote server or local file.

Artem Sidyakin

> On 16 Sep 2018, at 12:58, Sylvain Pointeau <sylvain.pointeau at gmail.com> wrote:
> Le dim. 16 sept. 2018 à 12:22, Artem Sidyakin <artem.sidyakin at qt.io> a écrit :
> Original question was about “communication between WebView and QML on iOS”, which does work, as we can see.
> Now there is an issue of loading HTML documents from file/resource system, but that’s a different kind of issue, innit (which I also would like to get to the bottom of).
> > you confirm that the webchannel is working if the page is loaded from a server
> Indeed, but what difference does it make? After the page is downloaded from the server it is run locally in the WebView on device.
> ajax for instance does not work when the file is loaded from the filesystem. I suppose there is a limitation on the websocket accessing localhost. I also suppose this can be for security reason?
> Now, when you say
> > unfortunately it does not work on the physical ipad
> how exactly it does not work? Page is not loaded in the WebView? Or it is loaded (input field and button), but when you click the button nothing happens? If it’s the latter, then I would guess that qwebchannel.js is not loaded properly (wrong path, etc).
> When I click on the button, nothing happens, and I suppose that qwebchannel.js is correctly loaded (it is in the same folder than the index.html)

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