[Development] Adding more Datetime classes to Qt

Pouya Shahinfar pswinpo at gmail.com
Tue Apr 9 14:11:03 CEST 2019

Although QDateTime has a full set of methods for working with date and
times in Qt, It could lead to misunderstanding. How? Well when you are
saving a date or time in this class you do not know the time is local time,
UTC time or it is for a specific timezone. Therefore, maintaining the
application becomes harder. Let's consider this scenario:

You open a project which is developed by someone else, and he/she used
QDateTime for holding time and date. The problem here is you as a newcomer
to project do not know the value in the class is based on UTC or local
time, etc. if there was a class like QLocalDateTime, the code was more

Qt has an awesome set of classes but unfortunately when it comes to timing.
the classes are really awkward. For instance, there is not a class for
holding a time-span:


As far as I concern, It would be a good idea that Qt has the following
1. QTimeSpan -> for holding duration of time.
2. QInstant -> For holding an instant of time in UTC time (like Java)
3. QLocalDateTime -> For holding local datetime
4. QUTCDateTime -> For holding UTC datetime
5. QZonedDateTime -> For date and times which is in a specific timezone.
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