[Development] QTestlib: how not to test mouseMoveEvent handling

Friedemann Kleint Friedemann.Kleint at qt.io
Tue Jul 9 08:33:09 CEST 2019


AFAIK Gatis  is working this (see 
https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-69414 ). There is a magic define

widgets/widgets/qcombobox/qcombobox.pro:4:DEFINES += 
widgets/widgets/qmenu/qmenu.pro:9:    DEFINES += QTEST_QPA_MOUSE_HANDLING

which apparently changes behavior. Alternatively, the overloads of 
QTest::mouse*() that take a QWindow * can be used, which should act more 
sane. This might require some coordinate mapping, though.


Friedemann Kleint
The Qt Company GmbH

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