[Development] Qt 6 story

Uwe Rathmann Uwe.Rathmann at tigertal.de
Mon Jun 3 15:18:02 CEST 2019

On 6/3/19 2:35 PM, Bernhard Lindner wrote:

> What would be your story proposal? "Make Widgets great again"?

That would be one I would like to see.

But the story I'm actively working on is about a different Qt/Quick 
framework. I hope, that we are allowed to give a presentation of what 
this is supposed to be at the Qt World Summit.

Unfortunately the Qt project seems to be clueless about how to deal with 
projects being developed outside. I tried to get an answer to the simple 
question how my work could be related to the Qt project. But even after 
a face to face meeting with Lars I never got any type of response. 
Neither positive nor negative - only silence.


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