[Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

Giuseppe D'Angelo giuseppe.dangelo at kdab.com
Tue Jun 25 16:11:26 CEST 2019


Il 25/06/19 14:28, Palaraja, Kavindra ha scritto:
> Hi Kirill,
> I can’t speak for the size of WebEngine or the complexity of this 
> solution, but I can speak for the look & feel of the documentation.
> The current situation with Qt Creator’s documentation is not about how 
> wonderful the content would look like. It’s about the basics of what 
> developers expect to get when they look at the documentation. It’s to 
> match what we have on https://doc.qt.io in the first place. I’m talking 
> about _/parity/_. I’m not asking for some crazy animation – just a 1:1 
> with the official Qt documentation that’s published online.

Sorry, but now I have to play devil's advocate:

Does that parity include things like Google search integration, or the 
current ads like "The Qt Company is hiring", not  and so on? The moment 
you start customizing things

>   * We can’t display a real code blocks in Creator – you don’t get that
>     black box with syntax highlighted code snippets in Creator. When you
>     document this, you use \code, \endcode, or \badcode in qdoc. None of
>     this is actually being displayed as expected in Creator.

Is this a limitation of QTextBrowser or is the style applied for the 
docs there stripping out code highlighting? I know for a fact that 
<font> works in QTextBrowser.

> If source code was not behaving as expected when compiled, you’d 
> consider it a bug right? So why is this different because it’s 
> documentation? Because it’s less important?
>   * We can’t display a proper table with the borders in Creator – try it
>     out, search for QObject, look at the API reference, there’s actually
>     no table there. Just some indentation with white background. Now
>     compare it to this: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qobject.html 

Are you referring to the 1px table wrapping the list of members, etc.?

Saying that we want to move to a full blown browser for that makes me 
think that this is a case of Qt not eating its own dogfood. Is it 
impossible to fix QTextDocument to support them properly?

> You say:
> “Nowadays help/doc search activities is much more than just open offline 
> page with descriptions of classes and methods with examples.”
> Exactly. I’d like to have more than this – but we don’t even have basic 
> HTML. Remember, a table doesn’t render at all. It’s not possible with 
> regular Creator docs. It’s possible to have better documentation, but we 
> need something more than just QTextBrowser.

"A table does not render at all" is a lie.

Giuseppe D'Angelo | giuseppe.dangelo at kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53, http://www.kdab.com
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

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