[Development] CMake branch

Simon Hausmann Simon.Hausmann at qt.io
Fri Mar 22 10:12:27 CET 2019


The script(s) are work in progress. You can find them in the util/cmake/ sub-directory of the wip/cmake branch of qtbase. There is one script for converting configure.json and one for converting .pro files. At the moment they are geared towards using the CMake functions we're developing in the same branch (in the cmake/ top-level sub-directory), but if you'd like to help make them work in a more general environment, then please don't hesitate to push patches to the wip/cmake branch in to Gerrit for review and pop by #qt-cmake on Freenode IRC for reviews :)

From: Development <development-bounces at qt-project.org> on behalf of Julius Bullinger <julius.bullinger at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2019 10:06
To: development at qt-project.org
Subject: Re: [Development] CMake branch

On 22.03.2019 09:58, Simon Hausmann wrote:

> I think earlier last year we never considered this even, but today
> the quality of the .pro file converter has made this a possibility
> worth trying.

Is this converter available somewhere? We're currently planning to
migrate a project from qmake to CMake, and evaluating the switch with
such a converter would be a tremendous help!
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