[Development] Qt World Summit 2019: Qt for MCUs – A Deep Dive

Simon Hausmann Simon.Hausmann at qt.io
Wed Nov 13 14:11:19 CET 2019


I see that all the presentations from last year's World Summit have become available as recordings for viewing on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/QtStudios . I'm cautiously optimistic that this year's presentations will become available as well. I can't promise it though, but I'm crossing fingers with you :)

From: Alexander Forsch <alexander.forsch at bytesatwork.ch>
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 10:50
To: development at qt-project.org <development at qt-project.org>; Simon Hausmann <Simon.Hausmann at qt.io>
Subject: Qt World Summit 2019: Qt for MCUs – A Deep Dive

Hello Simon Hausmann,

I have visited your speech: [Qt for MCUs – A Deep Dive] in Berlin and
found it very amazing.

Do you have your slides anywhere online or maybe you could provide your
slides via email, please?

Best Regards

Alexander Forsch

bytes at work
Technoparkstrasse 7
CH-8406 Winterthur

phone: +41 52 550 50 65

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