[Development] Nominating Fabian Kosmale as approver

Ulf Hermann ulf.hermann at qt.io
Wed Oct 2 15:34:13 CEST 2019


(The usual disclaimers about locations and employment apply ...)

On 10/2/19 3:21 PM, Simon Hausmann wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to nominate Fabian as approver as well. He started about four 
> months ago digging deep into pretty much all aspects of the Qml engine - 
> from grammar fixes, public C++ API, ES promise implementation, new 
> language features (required properties) all the way to a brand new 
> linter. As a consequence I'm very impressed. He has also reviewed pretty 
> much every patch by Ulf and some of mine since then and thankfully found 
> countless issues ;). I trust him to be a good reviewer.
> Simon
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