[Development] Long-lived P1 issues

Joerg Bornemann joerg.bornemann at qt.io
Fri Dec 4 09:11:35 CET 2020

On 12/4/20 5:42 AM, NIkolai Marchenko wrote:

> Let's be honest with your users:
> P0: almost sure to block a release.
> P1: We will act on it if the maintainer is in the mood some day when 
> it's still fresh
> P2: We will fix it, maybe
> P3: thank you for informing us.

That's neither helpful nor true. I certainly fixed many P3s in the past 
- if not for recreational purposes, because I was working in the 
respective area anyways.

For issues that are low priority but hard to fix however... well as in 
every project: bad luck.



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