[Development] Long-lived P1 issues

Kai Köhne Kai.Koehne at qt.io
Fri Dec 4 10:32:50 CET 2020

> From: Development <development-bounces at qt-project.org> On Behalf Of NIkolai Marchenko
> Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 9:45 AM
> Subject: Re: [Development] Long-lived P1 issues
>> Currently, there are 1175 open P1 issues in the QTBUG project.  583 of those issues had that priority set more than one year ago,  
> I am not saying no one ever fixes those, but given the premise of this thread. The "promise" of every PX description is certainly > broken enough _in general_ that my rewording is more accurate than official one.

I think your interpretation is wrong. During this year we managed to close 1849 P1 issues in QTBUG [1]. At the same time 1966 P1 issues got reported [2]. So we indeed have a growing top-line of P1 tasks, and arguably also an issue with long-standing P1's. 

But for a new P1 that gets reported today, the chance that it gets closed in a timely manner is still rather high. 

Also, a lot of effort in 2020 was going into 6.0. I do expect we'll put some more focus on the bug backlog in 2021.


[1]: Obtained by JQL query 'project = QTBUG AND PRIORITY = "P1: Critical" AND resolutiondate >= 2020-01-01'
[2]: Obtained by JQL query 'project = QTBUG AND PRIORITY = "P1: Critical" AND createdDate >= 2020-01-01'

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