[Development] Nominating André Hartmann for maintainer for QCanBus API

Alex Blasche alexander.blasche at qt.io
Fri Feb 7 09:39:24 CET 2020

Its been a while and I lost track of this thead. 

Congratulations to André. I recorded the change of maintainership in https://wiki.qt.io/Maintainers


From: Development <development-bounces at qt-project.org> on behalf of Alex Blasche <alexander.blasche at qt.io>
Sent: Tuesday, 26 November 2019 09:36
To: development at qt-project.org
Subject: [Development] Nominating André Hartmann for maintainer for QCanBus API


The QCanbus API is part of the QtSerialBus module. Since its first release it has come a long way. In particular, André Hartmann & Denis Shienkov made big contributions over time. For that I am very grateful. Thank you.

As the current maintainer of the QCanBus API I would like to hand the maintainer baton over to André.

He has done a very good job of fixing the day-to-day issues popping up on a regular base. Unrelated to QtSerialBus, he contributed to Qt Creator and other parts in QtBase.

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