[Development] Priority field in Jira

Joerg Bornemann Joerg.Bornemann at qt.io
Tue Feb 25 11:11:33 CET 2020

On 2/25/20 10:31, Edward Welbourne wrote:

> How about: because we can always over-ride them if we really disagree;
> and their prioritising of the bug is an opening for discussion of why
> it's so important to them - which, after all, we might have missed.
> I'd rather have a dialog than a privilege,

This is about expertise, not privilege. For reporters, the priority is 
usually muuuuuuch higher than for us or even other users of Qt, because 
the priority is assessed from the viewpoint of their project.

Let's say I've written this audio player app and found some quirk in 
QtMultimedia that makes skipping impossible every once in a while. Users 
give one star ratings and complain loudly.
What priority is this bug for me? Well, P0 of course.
For us? Not so much...



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