[Development] HEADS-UP: Qt 5.15 Feature Freeze

Jani Heikkinen jani.heikkinen at qt.io
Wed Jan 29 08:05:23 CET 2020

Hi all,

Qt 5.15 Feature Freeze should be in effect this Friday (31st January). Is all needed in place early enough so that we can keep the schedule? Please tell immediately if something mandatory is still missing (e.g replacements for everything that gets removed in 6.0 etc)...


From: Development <development-bounces at qt-project.org> on behalf of Jani Heikkinen <jani.heikkinen at qt.io>
Sent: Tuesday, January 7, 2020 2:56 PM
To: development at qt-project.org; releasing at qt-project.org
Subject: [Development] HEADS-UP: Qt 5.15 Feature Freeze is getting closer


Kindly reminder: Qt 5.15 Feature Freeze will be in effect 31st January 2020, see https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_5.15_Release .
All new modules must be in qt5 latest a week before FF (Fri 24th January 2020).

Remember to inform release team (qt.team.releases at qt.io)  about any new submodule; we need to create packaging configurations etc for those.

Please start updating Qt 5.15 new features page here: https://wiki.qt.io/New_Features_in_Qt_5.15

Jani Heikkinen
Release Manager
Development mailing list
Development at qt-project.org

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