[Development] [Qt-creator] Stepping down as maintainer of Qt Creator's C/C++ language support
André Hartmann
andre.hartmann at iseg-hv.de
Mon May 18 09:55:24 CEST 2020
Am 18.05.20 um 08:31 schrieb Nikolai Kosjar:
> Hiya,
> as this is my last month with the Qt Company, I'm stepping down as the
> maintainer of Qt Creator's C/C++ language support.
> It was my pleasure to work with some extraordinary ladies and gentlemen.
> Thank you.
> The Qt Company is interested in a successor. Until a long-term
> replacement is found/evolves, Christian Kandeler will keep an eye on the
> C/C++ language support.
> Nikolai
Dear Nikolai,
I like to thank you very much for your work on Qt Creator and the
integration of Clang & Co. during the last 8 years. It was always good
and joyful working with you. I have probably driven you crazy more than
once with my extraordinary bug reports and suggestions, but you managed
that easily.
So thanks for making Creators C++ integration really awesome. I wish you
all the best on your future path!
And because it comes up: Christian, you did a great job polishing the
Project Management subsystem during the last 18 month. A lot of really
old bugs were resolved, so I like to express my respect. All the best
with your new tasks, too.
Best regards,
André Hartmann, Dipl. Ing. (FH)
Softwareentwicklung / Software Development
E-Mail: andre.hartmann at iseg-hv.de
Tel: +49.351.26996-43 | Fax: +49.351.26996.21
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