[Development] QtMultimedia FM radio and plugin support in Qt6

Alberto Mardegan mardy at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Dec 12 08:03:00 CET 2021

Hi all!
  When the new QtMultimedia was announced [1], there was a mention that
the Radio API was being removed (by the way, there is no mention of this
removal in the migration document [2]). Did it happen because of a lack
of time, or were there other reasons? Is it going to come back?

I also would like to resurrect the topic of loadable plugins for the
backends. While in Ubuntu Touch we don't have plans to migrate to Qt6
any time soon, this is definitely going to happen sooner or later, and
our backend is not supported. So the obvious question is how we will
have to proceed: would the Qt project accept the contribution of an
additional backend, are there any chances of getting the plugin API
back, or should we maintain an out-of-tree mega patch for our backend?

The latter option, while the simplest for the Qt Project, would be
rather hard for us to work with. I wonder, therefore, if it would be
possible to have a compromise, that is that the plugin support gets
re-introduced as a build option, as if it was a backend on its own like
the Linux, Android, Windows etc. ones.  Or if it was somehow delivered
as a private API with no promise of stability, that would also do it.


[1]: https://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2021-May/041458.html
[2]: https://doc.qt.io/QT-6/qtmultimedia-changes-qt6.html

http://www.mardy.it - Geek in un lingua international

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