[Development] Moving IRC from Freenode to Libera.Chat, voting thread

André Pönitz apoenitz at t-online.de
Sat May 22 10:30:16 CEST 2021

On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 03:06:28AM +0200, Giuseppe D'Angelo via Development wrote:
> [...]
> 1) We will move the official IRC presence from Freenode to Libera.Chat.
> 2) As per https://libera.chat/chanreg the Qt Project will officially reserve
> #qt* as *project* channels. A contact will likely be needed to bridge IRC
> administration and Qt Project. I (personally, not KDAB-endorsed) volunteer
> to be such contact, given it's completely unclear who the existing Freenode
> contacts are and/or if they're available for this transition. My nick is
> `peppe` on Libera (and Freenode). Backup contacts are welcome, they can be
> established later, feel free to contact me (not in this thread!!!) if
> interested.
> 3) We will *keep* the Freenode presence, in primis to avoid squatting of the
> Qt channels there. People will still be able to use them, if they'd like to.
> (We'll likely point the topics, the autojoin messages, etc. to the
> corresponding channels on Libera, to make people aware of the move and ease
> them in the transition.) We will however NOT guarantee any respect of the Qt
> Project policies on Freenode, nor any continuity in active administration
> (as these channels won't be endorsed any more).
> 4) We will rebuild the same channel structure on Libera. Any necessary
> adjustment can be decided later.
> 5) We'll adjust official documentation etc. as needed.
> [...]



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