[Development] Qt Governance: Vote of no confidence

Oswald Buddenhagen oswald.buddenhagen at gmx.de
Tue Oct 19 20:56:53 CEST 2021

hello jury,

On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 07:57:39AM +0000, Lars Knoll wrote:
>I’d like to urge everybody who is going to cast a vote to [...]
as lars' mail sadly doesn't provide any actual guidance what exactly 
you're supposed to base your vote on, here's my own stab at it:

you need to decide
- whether my professional judgment (regarding a build tool, as qt's 
   former build system maintainer) deserves the contempt demonstrated by 
   mr. kandeler in both word and deed
- whether me getting rebellious against him was appropriate conduct 
   given the circumstances (which essentially depends on how 
   authoritarian your reading of the qt governance model is)

>Voting will be open for one week
this doesn't matter much unless the vote is close, but this period is 
way too short - for example, the waiting period for new nominations is  
15 work days.

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