[Development] Qt Governance: Vote of no confidence

Oswald Buddenhagen oswald.buddenhagen at gmx.de
Sat Oct 30 12:52:14 CEST 2021

On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 07:53:56AM +0000, Lars Knoll wrote:
>This result means that the Qt Project doesn’t have confidence in Ossi 

i would like to thank the few people who don't mistake sloppiness and 
short-sightedness for pragmatism, understand that it's appropriate to 
resist abusive authority, and had the emotional maturity and integrity 
to not use the opportunity to get back at me for differently situated 
bonus points for those who actually dove into the conversations on 
discord, gerrit, and jira, rather than relying on hearsay and 
insinuations by outsiders.

i have already left the qbs project several weeks ago - it's a barely 
relevant tool in a by now saturated market, and its recently 
demonstrated willingness to enforce mediocrity will make sure that it 
won't attract attention in the future, either. what a waste of time ...

other than that i intend to stay around and make _really thorough_ 
reviews, as before. it's just too bad that i can't, you know, actually 
approve anything anymore.

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