[Development] Feature freeze exception for QTBUG-95587

Edward Welbourne edward.welbourne at qt.io
Mon Sep 13 12:38:49 CEST 2021

On 2021 Sep 9, at 17:32, Ulf Hermann <ulf.hermann at qt.io> wrote:
>> As Qt.resolvedUrl() is quite a mouthful, there should be a shorthand
>> for it: the '@' operator.

Shawn Rutledge (13 September 2021 08:24) wrote:
> I’m never quite sure to what extent QML is “our” language, or to what
> extent the rule is “just do what Javascript does”, and then we have to
> defer to ECMA standards, and common web-development practices (which I
> don’t know very much about).  But is there any precedent for this “@“
> operator, for what it’s worth?

For reference, the ECMA 262 spec uses @@ internally as a prefix on the
names of some "well-known symbols" [0] and, in its specification of
URI-handling functions, it mentions @ as a reserved character in URIs
(within the string, though, not in the ECMAScript syntax).
So it has no special meaning in ES syntax.

[0] https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-well-known-symbols
[1] https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-uri-syntax-and-semantics

The only other uses of @ in the spec are to tag the twitter links of the
authors in the preamble.

In python, on the other hand, @ is used to introduce decorators:

  def fun(x): return x

is roughly synonymous with

  def fun(x): return x
  fun = decor(fun)

In particular, this is the basis of @property declarations.


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